Monday, January 31, 2011

Guess what?!

Its Snowing!  Just a little sample of my progress.. Next year the x games!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trail Map of Breck

 Here is a trail map of Breck.... If you can see it check out 4 o clock run this is the run that goes
 all the way down into town and I did this on my first day out with Scott! Happy Sunday :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

This time last year

 It really is starting to set in that we have moved and this is where we now
call home! Pretty surreal to wake up everyday and see Mountains all around
or 40 some inches of snow on the ground! We have really started to make it
our new reality and we do love it and miss all the little things about Cincinnati
top of the list all of our family and friends.

We have had two rounds of guests come and stay first Scott's parents and
 Scott's cousins Kate and Jimbo and their kids Morgan and Jay.. just days after
Christmas it was such a great time and we were really very happy to have them here.
 Next my sister Emily and her beau Matt are coming in March so we still have February
 to fill!

This time last year we were planning the happiest day of our lives how fast a year goes
by! So here we are on this New Adventure and really truly enjoying each other as
Husband and Wife in a new place with new challenges and new people we both feel
very lucky to have this time together to reflect and grow.

2011 is going to be a great year! Just as 2010 was a Fabulous year :) Hope that everyone
knows they are more than welcome to come and be a part of this Journey with us! We love and miss you all
Love, M.S.Z.G.H. Sweeney

Sunday, January 23, 2011

And the Snow keeps on falling...

It is official we are snowed in! Still no cable and choppy Internet...
 I should pick up a book it has been a while. Last night I came home
from work and cleaned... Friday night cleaning session and it lasted
way too long. Gus this past week caught a little bug and the poor
thing was puking and you know what else all over the house.
 Second trip to the vet in two weeks first he punctured his tongue
and now a virus that took over him and our house.He is feeling
much better!

 Zoey and gus got their Christmas gifts yesterday from Scott's
parents and miss ally :) gave them to them this a.m. and they
love them! Mr. Bill and Sock Monkey.  They were very spoiled this year
 both grandparents hooked them up see pics. about
making spirits bright!

 I am going this week to get a gym membership first time in
a very long time that I have done this but, if I am going to
keep up with my snowboarding husband and actually do
this once a week I am going to need to get back into the
gym because its fun the first day but, the day after is brutal!
This week was a little better than last.

I love this little town but, its a little lonely without family and
friends so if I have not said it already start planning a visit soon!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


We Had such a great day today...Snowboarding
went great talked Scott into taking 4 o' clock run
which is a run that goes all the way down into town.
 He was a little concerned because it was only my
4th run and it takes a certain skill level to make it
 to the bottom but, I did and with only one fall
 at the very end! Home for lunch and then off
 to the Hot tubs .... dinner and tonight Blue
 grass at  The Gold Pan.

 Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Epic Snow Fall

Never have I ever experienced an Epic Snow fall until today!
Early this am the winds came and it really did sound like our
little French Creek house was going to blow away! I think
and I am pretty sure we experienced a Blizzard and I am
not talking the Dairy Queen kind! It was full on winds gust-
ing, Snow blowing, deep snow drifts yada yada crazy!
 It is amazing and Beautiful :)

 Everything is pretty much going okay I work 6 days
a week 3 at ember and 3 at Sevens not exactly my
cup of tea but, its a start and we both have Thursdays
off together!

This just in.... Breckenridge has received in the past 7
days 37 inches of snow!!! Who's in for some fun?
Hope you can make it out soon... We would love
to have ya.

Tomorrow Scott and I are both going out Boarding
together for the first time! Wish me Luck <3 from M.S.Z.G.H-Sweeney

p.s. I found the abominable snowman and he is a really good cook!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ullr Parade

In Norse mythology Ullr (pronounced Oool-er) was the winter god. He was the son of Sif and the stepson of Thor, the "God of Thunder." Ullr loved the cold, and delighted in traveling over the country on his skis or skates. He also delighted in the chase, and pursued his game through the Northern Forests. In Norse mythology Ullr (pronounced Oool-er) was the winter god. He was the son of Sif and the stepson of Thor, the "God of Thunder." Ullr loved the cold, and delighted in traveling over the country on his skis or skates. He also delighted in the chase, and pursued his game through the Northern Forests.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What an awesome day!

Well, you are probably wondering all of you how I did on
my first lesson and really there are only two words..Freaking
Awesome! It was such a great experience and such a good
feeling to be able to pick it up in the first run when you are
in the same class with a 20 year old and she falls in the first
ten and quits (not that I am happy about this) but, when I found
out that my other student was 20 and the teacher was 22 and
I am then asked my age! Lets just say felt pretty pretty great!

 We broke for lunch met back and I mastered the j curve and
c curve and on the the S  which was a little difficult and then
finally a real chair lift no magic carpet... me and my little friend
Bailey who was 13 and really scared b.t.w. riding up together on our
first run and down we went and then the day was over and I proudly
walked over to the gondola with my board in hand :) Can't wait to try again next week!
Magic carpet! This was the day we were up for the Dew Tour!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lessons in Snowboarding

Tomorrow I will take my first Lesson on the Mountain Snowboarding!
So many different thoughts are running through me....will I be good?
will I fall down? (most likely) will I look like an idiot?( Probably ) will I
be fashionable ? ( most definitely!) I am super excited and can't wait to
take this new adventure on and hope that it is a super successful day
on the mountain....After is Uler fest parade down main street and it
should be pretty fun :) Pics posted later. xoxo- Mary

P.S. Could you imagine skiing in a Dress?
 Haute Couture <3 it

Sunday, January 9, 2011

More Snow!

It is a fabulous day here in Breckenridge! We are getting dumped
on with the most Beautiful White Powdery Snow! Yay :) too bad
there is no such day as a Snow day here :( Hope everyone had a
great weekend! Just want to mention that we are starting to book
up for January and would love to start booking for Feb. so give me or
Scott a call if you want to come see what its all about!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day off with husband = Play day on the Mountain!

We are both off on Thursdays together and today will be the first
day for me to go up on the mountain! Only until now have watched
everyone have fun and now it is my turn... Fingers and paws crossed
I remember how to ski and that my husband takes it easy on me.

 This February 13th will mark 6 years ago when we had our first date at
 Perfect North it was a great day with alot of falling <3

 Will post pics later!